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Meditation Madness

Het Hru's "Meditation Madness" is a tool-book created to help you find your true self. This is a book for good people all around the world. It will help guide you to accept who you are and realize that what you say to yourself affects your mental state. If you're beating yourself up all the time it will be clear from the outside. The question is how do you start accepting yourself?

This guidebook is the first in a series that introduces readers to practical ways of improving their lives. From yoga to meditation styles and even to your daily thought habits, Kiva Waters gives you the tools to improve your mental state.


KIVA VERA WATERS, Esq., @KivaTube,

is the epitome of universal love and Brooklyn (NY) seriousness!

A proud CUNY School of Law, NYU & Stuyvesant HS graduate, Kiva is a writer, lawyer, and yogini, all wrapped up in a short, sweet bundle of passion. Her experience with consumer law is extensive and her ability to re-connect good people to peace is unmatched. Moreover, Kiva’s compassionate style of organizing and leading is unforgettable. She is a wife, grand/mother & author of MEDITATION MADNESS, the first in a series of self-help “tool books” by Het Hru Publishing

@MeditationMadnessTheBook &

@HetHruPublishing or


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